What is Workforce Design?
Workforce design is a key challenge when designing a work environment for the future. The term ‘workforce’ encompasses a myriad of new options in organisations: permanent employees and freelance talent, full-time and part-time workers, international and diverse teams form an ever-changing, flexible composition of core and contingent staff – against the background of an increasing use of new technologies. ‘Design’ implies creating blueprints for these workforce compositions and putting new forms of collaboration into practice. The ultimate objective is to strengthen organisations and to encourage people for future work challenges, changes, and chances.
projekt 3T - Plattform for Workforce Design

Linking Expertise, Designing Projects
Project 3T is a platform for workforce design experiments. More than ever the world of work offers a multitude of options without blueprints for sustainable solutions. These have to be found and put to the test. Together with corporations, non-governmental organisations, research and political institutions, we mount pilot projects and programs to gain insight, find answers, and create solutions. We bring the very best experts together with pioneers of practice. We focus upon issues like flexible work and staff, acquisition of new capabilities, and the interaction of humans, algorithms, and machines.

Planning, Piloting, and Performing Experiments
Project 3T stands for collaboration and co-creation with conviction. Together with our partners and clients we analyse challenges, design experiments, and build a network of thought leaders with expertise and experience. We tackle complex challenges and issues others prefer to ignore. We disclose and publish what kind of experiments we are planning and working on. We are happy about suggestions and support from people with ideas, knowledge, and passion.

Gaining and Sharing Insight
Project 3T analyses and evaluates insight from own and other experiments. We draw conclusions and develop applicable solutions for our project partners and clients. We disclose our findings and invite others to work with us on broadening our base of knowledge and experience. In the section ‘Insight’ you will find further information about our learning from experiments, the planning processes, performance and evaluation. Here we compile information about what kind of trends, concepts, and methodologies determine the workforce design of the future.

The Creators of Project 3T
Project 3T – the open platform for workforce design – has been launched by Markus Frosch. As a management advisor, talent expert, and founder he refuses to accept the lack of ideas, drive, and power with the implementation of indispensable transformation processes in the contemporary world of work. Therefore, he connects competent and innovative thought leaders of different disciplines with corporations, non-governmental organisations, and political institutions in order to stage bold experiments and to find applicable solutions. Markus Frosch, Andrea Filz (trend and people scout) and Randolf Jessl (communications expert and knowledge manager) form the Project 3T core team. All three of them are convinced that experimenting and implementing only provide answers to the question how our future workforce will need to be set up for optimal collaboration, productivity, and results.
Markus Frosch – Creator
A world of work full of new options offers great opportunities. Workforce design is the key. As there are no blueprints yet, we need the courage to experiment.

Topics, Stakeholders and Approach
Workforce design needs different perspectives and areas of expertise. Therefore, the Project 3T platform connects diverse stakeholders in order to experiment together and to share insight from ‘just doing’. From our point of view, trying and testing add more value than studying and theorizing. Therefore, we bring together subject matter experts from research and political institutions, experienced specialists from corporations and non-governmental organisations, and founders. Initially, we focus upon four important issues and cornerstones of new options: transition to flexible work, composition of flexible staff, interaction of humans and machines, and development of new capabilities / design of new careers in a continuously and rapidly changing work environment.
Our independent project partners collaborate for specific experiments. With Project 3T, they aspire to gain new insight and experience and to put these into practice. They value co-creation and collaboration. They love sharing their knowledge. They don’t do this for free but not for the money either. Our designs, insight, and perspectives for different target groups are our motivation.